Asset Integrity Scotland
Asset Integrity Scotland
Within the business we have a trained Domestic energy assessor who can carry out an Energy Performance Certificate for your property which gives it a rating for the Energy efficiency as well as the environmental impact.
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
Within the EPC it will show recommendations on how you can improve energy efficiency as well as reduce the environmental impact your property has. The recommendation part works on a sliding scale showing as you work through the list continually how the efficiency rating increases in line with the environmental impact reducing.
Energy Performance Report (EPR or retrofit assessment)
An Energy Performance Report or also known as a Retrofit Assessment is carried out to find out the suitability of the property for installing new energy efficient measures. This is slightly more in depth then a standard EPC as we are looking at the building condition to ensure it’s in a fit state to be retrofitted if it isn’t we will highlight any areas of concern to have inspected and repaired if needed by the appropriate person.
Once the EPR is complete it will be able to model the property with the energy efficient measures installed to tell us what the post EPC would be if we installed them knowing exactly what we could achieve prior to works to ensure the best course of action.
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